Giving thanks to Mom


From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Today is the annual celebration of Mothers’ Day.

It may or may not be a special day that you observe, depending on your situation or tradition.

Nevertheless, any day that causes us to give thanks for our mothers is, in my opinion, a good day.

My mom lives in Windsor and is close enough to us that we are able to see her on a fairly regular basis.

One of the things that stands out about my mom is that she never stops caring.

Even though I have been married for almost 25 years and have kids of my own, she is always checking up on me to make sure I’m okay.

Recently, as I was in training for the Boston Marathon, I had lost some weight to get into top condition.

That did not fly very well with my mom.

She noted my apparently gaunt and sickly visage and demanded that I increase my eating.

She even bought me a case of Clif Bars to fatten me up a little.

If I happen to call her and she detects a nasal sound in my voice, she will question me on what I am doing to fight this cold.

It never ceases to amaze me that my mom constantly cares.

I’m going to thank her for that today and say so in a nice card.

Take time today to thank God for your mom, and for those who are able, to let her know by way of a visit or phone call.

Make her day special!

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