Dresden firefighters raise funds for MD


The Dresden Fire Department took to the streets recently to raise some money for Muscular Dystrophy Canada.

Dave Hamilton, a volunteer firefighter and chair of the annual boot drive, said the drive was held Oct. 24.

“We stood out on the street for three hours on a Saturday morning and just took donations,” he said. “We made $2,700 and it was actually a really great day… minus the rain.”

Hamilton said fire stations across the country help assist Muscular Dystrophy Canada with boot drives every year.

“We strive to try and get this done every year,” he said. “It’s actually a good
day. It’s for three hours… we start at 9 a.m. and we are done at Noon. Some people do barbecues, but it’s a firefighter thing. Muscular Dystrophy touches home for us.”

Carrie Gibson, from Muscular Dystrophy Canada, visited the Dresden fire station on December 1 for the cheque presentation.

– Submitted photo: Stephon Herbert, Tim Clements, Jim Konc, Carrie Gibson, from Muscular Dystrophy Canada, Mike Moore and Dave Hamilton.

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