OSPCA – National Cupcake Day!

Make the leap and help animals by baking cupcakes for the National Cupcake Day this February 29th.

Did you know that simply by baking cupcakes you can help animals in need? Bakers across the country are pulling out their aprons and dusting off their cupcake tins in preparation for Canada’s fourth annual National Cupcake Day for SPCAs and Humane Societies this February 29th, a day when indulging your sweet tooth is entirely guilt-free.

Participants who register at www.nationalcupcakeday.ca before January 31st and raise $50 will be automatically entered to win a KitchenAid Stand Mixer, the perfect kitchen appliance for whipping up cupcake batter or scrumptious frosting.

“What I love about Cupcake Day is that it’s so easy to get involved,” says National Cupcake Day spokesperson and self-proclaimed bungling baker, Kristina Matisic. “Cupcakes are pretty simple to bake. Trust me, if I can pull it off, anyone can.”

Proceeds from the event go to SPCAs and Humane Societies across the country, helping to support animals big and small, who have been abused, abandoned or in need of help. The Ontario SPCA will use these funds to find homes for surrendered, rescued, neglected or abused animals, and provide emergency care to injured animals.
“If you’re not a pro baker, don’t let that stop you,” says Matisic. “I’ve been known to pull out the box of mix now and again. After all, it’s not about the cupcakes themselves, it’s about making a difference.”

Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 12.37.27 PMThe Official National Cupcake Day Recipe For Success
As a Cupcake Day Host, you will be part of an exceptional group of supporters who understand the importance of animals in our lives. Here’s how to get involved:

Register for FREE at www.nationalcupcakeday.ca and select your charity of choice.

Register before January 31st and raise $50 and be entered to win a KitchenAid Stand Mixer.

Plan your National Cupcake Day™ Party for home, work, school or wherever you think people would love to eat your cupcakes.

Promote your Cupcake Day Party by personalizing your Online Bakery and sharing your website link via email and social media.

Encourage your co-workers, friends and family to support you and the animals by donating online.

Bake (or buy!) and decorate your cupcakes or pupcakes – for your canine friends.

Serve your delicious cupcakes in exchange for donations at your National Cupcake Day Party.

National Cupcake Day is February 29 but you can hold your party any day in January or February.

Send in your donations. (Visit www.nationalcupcakeday.ca for instructions)

Celebrate your success. The funds you raised will change the lives of animals!

To register or for more information, visit www.nationalcupcakeday.ca.

About SPCAs and Humane Societies
More than 100 SPCA and Humane Societies across Canada are participating in this year’s National Cupcake Day™. These societies are dedicated to a variety of life saving work that may include: enforcing animal welfare legislation; rehabilitation and adoption for lost, abused and abandoned animals; advocacy for companion, wild and farm animals; and humane education.

Ontario SPCA – Kent County Animal Centre
405 Park Ave. East
Chatham, ON, N7M 3W4

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