The Foundation of Chatham-Kent Health Alliance (CKHA) continues to support the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, which encompasses three campuses named as Public General, St. Joseph’s and Sydenham, in achieving it’s goal of providing quality service in an efficient manner.
The Foundation of CKHA is responsible for collecting all donations and bequests, and other gifts designated for use at one of the three campuses.
The Foundation of CKHA works closely with the Alliance to satisfy needs identified, with consistent campaigns and activities.
The Foundation of CKHA is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance.
Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the entire community, the Foundation of CKHA has raised over $40 million since 1998 through our numerous capital campaigns, special events, major gifts and generous bequests.
We are eternally grateful to each and every one of those donors who have generously supported us and continue to do so, in order for the Foundation of CKHA to enhance the quality of healthcare available to the citizens of Chatham-Kent.
Thank you.
Michele Grzebien-Huckson, Executive Director
Foundation of Chatham-Kent Health Alliance