Letter: Thank you SDH volunteers, staff, nurses & doctors

jeff wesley

Thank you SDH volunteers, staff, nurses and doctors!

While the two Chatham based hospital boards and the executive leadership at the CKHA should be profoundly ashamed and held accountable for the contents of the investigator’s report this letter is really to thank everyone who did or currently has a direct role in our hospital.

Over the past years the leadership at the CKHA has not treated you well and your important role in our communities was always diminished and dismissed. Your achievements went unheralded. So for your benefit here is what the investigator’s report said about all of you:

1. SDH’s emergency volume is about 17,000 visits per year which is greater than 29 other rural hospitals in Ontario – you all do a great job with this high volume!

2. The Investigator found no evidence to support any concerns regarding quality and safety of care at SDH.

3. In all cases reviewed the care at SDH met the standard of care required in a hospital in Ontario.

4. The two Chatham based hospital boards and the CKHA leadership failed to recognize the vital role that the SDH’s Emergency Department and the physicians provide to Wallaceburg and Walpole Island First Nation.

5. The Investigator even said that increased testing and equipment should be available at SDH to enhance the care.

None of the above is a surprise to anyone who supports SDH but it is nice to see outside, independent experts validate what we all said time and time again. To the volunteers, staff, nurses and doctors at SDH and in our local community clinics I say thank you. We are happy you are here and we thank you for your dedication to our communities.

If you see a health care worker in our communities please thank them for being here!

Jeff Wesley
Councillor – Wallaceburg
Past Chair – SDH


  1. It is so nice to see our nurses, doctors SDH volunteers and staff be vindicated. I have always said for the past 50 years that Wallaceburg was one of the best hospitals I have ever seen or been in as a patient. It would be nice to see Colin Patey apologize to them but I won’t hold my breath. He is like Trump, “Full of Himself”

  2. Today I was at the SDH, earlier in the week at Four Counties. Both rural hospitals, but what a difference. The air is not working at SDH. The whole hospital is dilapidated. It is as though they are being starved into submission.

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