It matters where your mind is


From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

As we head into another Valentineā€™s Day very soon I want you to consider why it matters what we think about someone.

For example, consider this interesting quote I came across recently on social media: ā€œItā€™s better to sit in a boat thinking about God than to sit in a church thinking about fishing.ā€

This little observation may have brought a smile to your face but its message is true.

Proverbs 23:7 says, ā€œFor as he thinks in his heart, so is he…ā€

When you value someone you tend to spend a significant amount of time thinking of that person, maybe even reminiscing of times spent together and yearning for more of the same.

With the calendar about to strike February 14th once again in a couple of days, you may very well be thinking of your sweetheart and how you will spend Valentineā€™s Day with him/her.

Those thoughts may even be consuming a fair bit of your time and energy, taking you away from other matters of your regular routine.

Now let me ask you something: does that ever happen to you when God is the subject of your thoughts? As the previous quote seems to indicate, a person who enjoys fishing but thinks about God while they are doing it, is someone whose heart is truly after God.

Some people think you need to be in church to have God on your mind, but He is available anywhere, at any time.

Personally, some of my richest moments with God have occurred in places where I was not even seeking Him: visiting an Alzheimerā€™s patient, washing dishes, even shaving in the morning before work!

God is omnipresent, meaning that He is everywhere at the same time.

So there is no need to wait until Sunday service, although that is a great place to meet Him.

Use the occasion of Valentineā€™s Day to start spending more time thinking of the One who truly loves you!

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