First Baptist wraps up 150th anniversary celebrations

Kae Bushey and Pastor Brian Horrobin (Submitted photo)

Special to the Sydenham Current

The First Baptist Church in Wallaceburg concluded its year of celebrating its 150th anniversary on May 28. The church, founded in 1866, began its celebration last June and held several special services and events throughout the year.

During the year, the church members supported the theme ‘150th Projects ā€“ Blessing Our Community and Beyond.’

The principle project, led under the direction of Kae Bushey, was to support the Canadian Baptist Ministries ongoing project in Bolivia against Chagas disease. Chagas disease is a silent killer among the poor in Bolivia. It is transmitted by the Vinchuca insect, which thrives in adobe walls and thatched roofs, common materials used in Bolivian homes.

With the proper renovations of homes they can be made Vinchuca-proof.

The cost per home is $350 and the congregation donated throughout the year and the grand total raised was announced live to representatives in Bolivia via Skype. The final total was an amazing $8,059, allowing 23 homes to have plastering of the walls and ceiling and pouring of a cement floor, making the home secure from the Vinchuca insect.

Other projects adopted by various committees within the church contributed to our local Wallaceburg community, Walpole Island, Chatham and London. Salvation Army Food Bank received 386 juice boxes, Lend-A- Hand Breakfast Program had 170 breakfasts covered, while gift cards purchased also supported the Wallaceburg Christian School, and Momā€™s Baby Cupboard received 150 diapers.

Charlemont Free Methodist Church received $150 to partner with them in their outreach in Chatham to girls caught in human trafficking, and $150 went to the Walpole Island Evangelistic Centre to partner with them in assisting First Nations pastors from rural, northern Ontario communities with resources like books, training, etc. and travel expenses to come to Walpole Island this summer for a special training conference. Many clothing items including 150 pairs of childrenā€™s underwear were donated to the homeless ministry in London.

The closing ceremonies included a historical walk through the past 150 years with the viewing of a video created by Dave Babbitt capturing archived photographs set to background music of Wallaceburg Baptist choirs and soloists of many years gone by.

The auditorium was lined with storyboards documenting the various groups, music, pastors throughout the years. First Baptist Church in Wallaceburg is dedicated to reaching others with the love of Christ, both in our own community and beyond.

– Submitted photo

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