Canada 150 Garden Tour this weekend in Dresden


The Dresden and District Horticultural Society is holding their Canada 150 Celebration Garden Tour this weekend.

The tour is set to be held on Saturday July 8, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and in recognition of Canada’s 150 celebrations, the theme this year is ‘Blooming with National Pride’.

“We really appreciate the efforts our local gardeners make to keep attractive gardens and the garden tour gives them an opportunity to showcase their hard work,” said Lynda Weese, a long-time member of the Horticultural Society.

“For anyone who has hosted a tour it is not an easy task and shows the dedication and pride people have for their property. I have never known a gardener who does not enjoy showing off the fruits of their labour.”

Registration and map pick up will be at the outdoor education centre, pavilion beside the bridge, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

There will be eight gardens included on the tour, which will feature an array of flower and vegetable gardens.

Garden tour hosts will be available to share their gardening expertise.

There is also a self guided tour of the Arboretum and Rotary Parks.

A total of six of the gardens are within the town limits and are very close in driving distance.

The two country gardens are nearby and less than a ten minute drive away.

Cost is $5 for Horticultural Society members and $10 for non-members.

A special Canada 150 celebration treat will be served at registration.

For more details, join their group on Facebook.

– Photo credit: Facebook

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