Olivia & Benjamin are the top baby names of 2017

Benjamin and Olivia are the most popular names for boys and girls born in Ontario this year.

Liam slipped to second place after holding the top spot for boys’ names for five years running, while Olivia remains the most popular baby girls’ name in Ontario since 2008.

Top girls names are:

– Olivia

– Emma

– Charlotte

– Ava

– Sophia

Top boys names are:

– Benjamin

– Liam

– Noah

– Ethan

– Lucas

After naming their newborns, parents have up to 30 days to register their child’s birth.

ServiceOntario’s easy-to-use online 4-in-1 Newborn Bundle tops the list of best ways to register a birth. In a few easy clicks, parents can register their child’s birth and apply for their birth certificate, social insurance number and child benefits.

“Life as a new parent can be overwhelming,” stated Tracy MacCharles, Minister of Government and Consumer Service.

“ServiceOntario is making it easier for new parents to access the services they need, through the 4-in-1 Bundle. Parents can register their newborns quickly, securely and easily so that they can get back to what’s important – caring for their newborns.”

Government officials say delivering real benefits that will help people in their everyday lives is part of Ontario’s plan to create fairness and opportunity during this period of rapid economic change.

The plan includes a higher minimum wage and better working conditions, free tuition for hundreds of thousands of students, easier access to affordable child care, and free prescription drugs for everyone under 25 through the biggest expansion of medicare in a generation.

More details:

– Lincoln makes it in the top 20 for the first time in history of Ontario baby names.

– Since the television series “The Crown” launched, Ontario top baby names have seen a royal increase, with an increase in Elizabeths, Margarets and Winstons.

– ServiceOntario’s 4-in-1 Newborn Bundle was the first of its kind in Canada when it launched in 2007. Since then, more than 1.2 million newborns have been registered in Ontario using the service.

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