Work with what you’ve got

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

It was American novelist Jack London who once said, “Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.”

I’m not sure if this man ever farmed land in his day but if he did, surely he would understand the rubber-meets-the-road truth of his statement.

Every spring farmers get ready to plant their crops.

Everything has to be just right, from the condition of the soil to sow the seed to getting the rain at the right time and in the right amount to allow the newly-planted seed to sprout.

Weather can vary drastically from year to year so the seasoned farmer must learn to deal with the conditions he is given in order to make his living.

I don’t think I would have any problem getting you to agree that the past year of pandemic living has been a clear cut challenge to play a poor hand well, and many have done just that!

I have seen restaurants improvise with patio service and take out to adapt when closed for indoor dining.

I have seen families arrange visits outdoors at the window of their loved ones in long term care facilities.

Many churches took to online services, drive in services, and even radio church.

Retail stores and libraries turned to curbside pickup.

Hey, where there’s a will there’s a way.

In my observation in this past year I have seen more lemonade from lemons than Minute Maid and Tropicana combined!

Something that I have prayed for a lot for our community is for the Lord to grant fresh ideas and new ways for businesses and churches to stay open and for family to stay connected.

It has certainly not all worked out perfectly, not by a long shot, but I have been inspired by the perseverance that I have seen and motivated to keep on keepin’ on!

I’m looking forward to holding some good cards in my hand before long, but until then I will do my best to play a poor hand well.

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