Lesson from a robin

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Back in May I was out for a walk late one afternoon and noticed a mother robin feeding her young in a nest constructed overtop of a light fixture on the front porch of a neighbour’s house.

I stopped and watched for a bit, awestruck as the mother carefully placed the worms into the open mouths of her babies.

It donned on me that she was in her busy season, having completed the building of her nest and now caring for the little ones entrusted to her with such meticulous detail.

I didn’t stay long but I know that her feeding ritual would be a continuous one for some time until those young robins were ready to leave the nest and forage for food on their own.

Her mothering actions reminded me of the way our heavenly Father cares for us.

In Isaiah 31:5 we read, “”Like birds hovering overhead, the LORD Almighty will shield Jerusalem; He will shield and deliver it, He will pass over it and will rescue it.”

Those little robins didn’t have a care in the world knowing that their momma would feed them and care for them until the time they would leave the nest.

They were in good hands!

God’s care for us is sometimes a thing we take for granted, that is, until we face some sort of danger or disturbance.

I appreciated seeing this mother care for her young because it was a simple reminder of my Father’s care for me.

I said a little prayer after my discovery thanking God for His care for me.

That’s not a bad habit to get into, by the way.

Putting ourselves in remembrance of His care is the best way to appreciate it when life takes a sudden turn.

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