Community Café planned to discuss Shrewsbury master plan

A Community Café meeting to discuss the Master Plan Servicing Study for the Community of Shrewsbury will take place Wednesday, August 10, 2022, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Shrewsbury & Raglan Assembly Community Centre, 112 New Scotland Line.

Representatives of the firm of T.Y.Lin as well as Chatham-Kent staff will provide a short presentation at 6 p.m. to introduce the project.

After the presentation, the project team will break into groups, Municipal officials say.

Each group will focus on different aspects of the study.

Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to identify and describe flooding events or servicing concerns within each group.

These concerns will be transcribed to maps by the project team.

The maps will then be used to develop a detailed summary of issues and challenges to inform the assessment of existing servicing and the development of recommendations.

In the spring of 2021, Chatham-Kent Council passed a motion directing Municipal staff to initiate a Master Plan Servicing Study for the Community of Shrewsbury.

The Servicing Study will include servicing strategies for drainage, stormwater, sanitary, and water to accommodate current conditions, as well as future growth considerations.

Also included in the Study are erosion control measures for the protection of Municipal infrastructure along the shorelines.

T.Y.Lin International Canada Inc. has been retained by the Municipality of Chatham-Kent to provide engineering services to assist in completing this Study, Municipal officials added.

Additional details on the project can be found at:

To register for the Community Café, provide comments, request additional information, or receive future correspondence related to the Study, please contact a member of the project team below:

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