Enjoying vacation and beyond

By Rev. Sharon Campbell Rayment – Special to the Sydenham Current

I have just returned from a wonderful vacation in Haliburton, Ontario.

I call this area “God’s Country” because of the grandeur of the looming trees, the beautiful lakes and the call of the loon.

Each morning I woke to view Pine Lake.

I would catch my breath as I looked at the surface of the lake that was as clear as glass with a small veil of mist rising from its surface.

Thank you was all I could say.

Thank you for the gift of this view.

Thank you for this moment.

It became my mantra as I would glide over the surface in my kayak.

The water was so clear I could see the bottom.

The fish that swam close to me seemed curious as to what was causing them shade from the sun.

Moment to moment I created awareness to give thanks and to observe God’s presence everywhere.

Yet it was easy to return to habits of worry, overthinking, and fear. Focusing on how fast the vacation passed rather the moments of joy with my family on the lake. Worrying about saying goodbye to my friends weeks before it was going to happen.

Labour Day weekend is fast approaching!

Yet there are many more summer moments to enjoy.

Rather than bemoan the summers passing, let’s follow Jesus’ lead and set aside moments as he often did, to withdraw from our usual pace and place to pray, give thanks, and regroup.

It doesn’t mean packing up and leaving for a week, though I would highly recommend this change.

But it isn’t always easy to do.

Yet we can look at the world with joy and hope anywhere we are.

JOY-E – Just Open Your Eyes with new vision to see all that we can appreciate and give thanks to God for in the moment before us.

Focusing on the good and what we can give thanks for, even in the midst of chaos and crisis, can help us to stay focused, hopeful, and resilient.

Until next time, find JOY-E in every moment and remember every breath you take is a breath of God
shared with all my ancestors united as one.

One Breath ~ One Heartbeat ~ One Song.

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