Oaks and the Legion teaming up to ‘fill the bus’ in Wallaceburg

The Oaks Retirement Village and the Wallaceburg Legion Branch 18 are teaming up to fill the Oaks bus with food and toy donations for the Wallaceburg Salvation Army.

The bus will be at the Legion for Frost Fest on November 16, 2023 and the following evening for karaoke night.

The bus will then be at the Oaks on the 18th for their holiday bazaar.

Dana Haggith caught up with Brandy Mohr, manager at the Oaks, for an interview to go over all of the details. Listen, below:

The Oaks Retirement Village is located at 80 McNaughton Avenue in Wallaceburg and they can be reached at 519-627-9292.

More details can be found on the poster below:

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