Van Heck & Argenti keep their spots as Chair and Vice Chair of the St. Clair Catholic Board of Trustees

There will be no changes in the leadership of the St. Clair Catholic Board of Trustees for 2024.

John Van Heck was acclaimed as Chair of the St. Clair Catholic District School Board, at the Initial Board meeting earlier this month.

It is a position he has held since 2016, having first been elected as a Catholic trustee in 2006.

David Argenti was acclaimed to the position of Vice Chair of the Board.

It is his second term as Vice Chair.

He was first elected to the Board of Trustees in 2018.

In accepting their nominations for the positions, both Mr. Van Heck and Mr. Argenti expressed appreciation to their colleagues on the Board of Trustees for their support.

“We do excellent work in our Catholic school system on behalf of students and families,” stated Van Heck, in a press release.

“Among the most important things we do, in addition to excellent programs and learning opportunities, is leading our students to be followers of Christ. I am thankful everyday for Catholic education.”

“I really value the relationships and the support for each other we have built as Trustees,” added Argenti.

“I look forward to continuing to support the work of our Chair, the Director of Education, the senior team and our employees across the system.”

Elections for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair are held annually.

The term of office for both positions expires in December 2024.

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