Are you a problem spotter or solution seeker?

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Processed with VSCOcam with b4 preset

From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Are you someone who tends toward spotting a problem, and posting it all over social media, or instead do you seek for a solution?

Henry Ford once said, ā€œDonā€™t find fault; find a remedy.ā€

The key to being on the road to solving a problem, versus just armchair quarterbacking the problem is to start with where you are at.

Back in Jesusā€™ time there was a predicament where a very large crowd of people were hungry and needed to be fed.

When Jesus asked his disciples, testing them, as to where they might buy enough bread to feed the crowd, Philip spotted the problem, as recorded in John 6:7: ā€œEight monthsā€™ wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite.ā€

As it turned out, there was found amongst the crowd a young boy who had a small lunch of 5 barley loaves and 2 fish.

Jesus, the solution seeker, went to work immediately with what He had to work with, instructing His disciples in John 6:10 to have everyone sit down.

In the end, everyone had a satisfying lunch and they even had a bunch of leftovers!

The secret for Jesus to solving this monumental problem was simply starting with what He had.

You know something, we can do the same. We can complain that the government is not doing enough to help feed the hungry, or we can volunteer at one of our townā€™s community meals.

We can rant about the negligence to our hospital, or we can attend meetings and write letters to those in authority.

We can say that kids are a nuisance and keep getting into trouble, or we can open up our backyard to the neighbourhood.

Letā€™s be proactive about changing our world for the better.

Letā€™s do what Henry Ford said and find a remedy instead of finding fault.

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