Mailbox: Wallaceburg taxi service facing layoffs

sydenham current mailbox

A new feature on the Sydenham Current is the Mailbox.

Here we will take a look back at the week that was in terms of: hot topics, poll questions, comments, Facebook and Twitter discussions, e-mails to our Sydenham Current newsroom, Letters to the Editor, etc.

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What will the future hold for the D.A. Gordon property?

– Left vacant for years 61.9% (26 votes)

– Utilized in a new capacity 28.57% (12 votes)

– Demolished 9.52% (4 votes)

Total Votes: 42

We chatted with Jim Costello, director of education, and Carmen McGregor, trustee with the Lambton-Kent District School Board, about this very issue. read our story here:

What does the future hold for D.A. Gordon?


taxi wallaceburg chatham-kent

Wallaceburg taxi company downsizing

With free rides being given by a local volunteer group and “illegal taxi” services operating in Wallaceburg, Cadillac Cabs is going to be downsizing come July 10.

Ray Melhuish, owner of the taxi service, said he will be laying off six people – three dispatchers and three of his six drivers.

Nick from Facebook said – “I don’t know the honest answer behind this but as a persona that enjoys going out being told an hour wait does not help business or being closed late night also does not Personally maybe they should look at expanding during late night rather than pointing blame at others …. I know for a fact I am not the only person that has complained about service at night.”

John and Judy from Facebook said – “A Sad Situation. Not fair to Cadillac Cabs.”

Cindy from Facebook said – “GoGo shuttle has been running a long long time now, and it didn’t affect the cab company, gas is going up , has been up for a long long time, and yes there are illegal taxis running around, and if you investigate, you will find that is the real reason they are laying off! gas prices , and illegal taxi operations, how can the go go bus be to blame when its ppl who never used the cabs in first place, cause they couldn’t afford a taxi,, and look around town as well, there are a lot of scooters running the streets, and bicycles as well, blame it on the rise in gas prices, ! and scooters, the govt gives these things out for free, they are everywhere!”

Jennifer from Facebook said – “The reason why my Church started their GO-GO Shuttle, was because of the bad economy. Not everyone can afford a cab. Bethel GO-GO is a Fully Insured Shuttle that operates with in all Standards and Laws. We are entirely Volunteer Based. We didnt set it up to take away business, we set it up for the people who need rides but otherwise don’t have access or cannot afford one. We are also only local, we CANNOT leave Wallaceburg Town Limits.”

Bill from Facebook said – “There are laws in this country. The municipality has an obligation to police public transportation. I have to ask if GoGo Shuttle has the proper insurance coverage should an accident occur? I hope it never comes to this, but GoGo shuttle is being allowed to skip a lot of regulations and doing it under the blanket of a not-for profit religion. So if there is a need for people to need transportation and cannot afford it, then enabling a problem is not a solution to solving one. Instead of spending money to provide illegal rides, then is it not better to understand the needs of certain people and donate cash toward an account at the local cab company or buy them some groceries. After all, advertising and sponsoring free rides should be as illegal as charging for rides without a license to do so, Also, any service like GoGo Shuttle should be licensed and have the same regulations applied, such as auto safety ever six months, cab drivers being licensed by the municipality and carry the appropriate insurances. GoGo Shuttle should be ashamed for enabling a problem by keeping those who cannot afford a ride from a need for more funding. Is this not better then creating an unfair competition to our last legal taxi company, because if we loose Cadillac Cabs, I doubt anyone else will want to invest here in Wallaceburg to create a legal cab service. Furthermore, is GoGo shuttle going to provide free rides to the cab company employees who are going to be laid off, cause I am certain their income will be lost,, or do you just not care about them. And if we loose a cab company here in Wallaceburg, will GoGo Shuttle pick up the locals at a bar, provide rides for night time needs or for those who work and do have the funds?”

St. Clair Surfwear Company is catching waves

A Wallaceburg woman has taken her passion and creativity and turned it into a new venture.

Sherri DeWolf is the founder and owner of the St. Clair Surfwear Company, which specializes in shirts for boaters and people who simply love the water

Rex on Facebook said – “Fantastic!!! I’m a water baby too and just bummed I didn’t come up with the idea!!! I love it. Going to FB page to order now !!! Kudos to you Sherri! Designs are awesome…Love ur write ups and local inspiring comments too!!”

Lorraine on Facebook said – “Love your symbolism. I really like the shirt with all the great lakes on the back with your logo representing Lake St Clair where it should be. Beautiful.”

Vicki on Facebook said – “Great job Sherri. I absolutely love the idea. Excellent interview.”


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This poll is also posted on the homepage of the Sydenham Current! The results will be posted next week!

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