Youth Retention within Chatham-Kent

Youth Retention and Immigration
There was a report made to council in 2010 after the last election that outlined the growth projections for Chatham-Kent. It reported that in order to sustain and increasing Chatham-Kent population we would need to retain our youth and increase immigration. The report also identified that if left unaddressed it would negatively impact the long-term sustainability of the municipality. Though there have been some positive initiatives since that time it is still not enough to stop the slide.

We need Councillors that will take this information seriously and direct the needed resources to make a change for the future.

I have demonstrated my passion for Education and Youth through past positions. As a Councillor I will use that passion to work towards strategies that will result in retaining our youth within our community and opening the doors to those looking for a great place to live, work and raise a family. Visit

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