2015 Pan Am Games torchbearers wanted


The Municipality of Chatham-Kent is excited to welcome the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games Torch Relay to our community in the spring of 2015.

As a celebration community, CK has the opportunity to select special community torchbearers who will have the honour of carrying the Pan Am flame and spreading the games spirit.

This nomination process is separate from the TO2015 Torchbearer contest for the general public which ended December 1st

Nomination forms can be filled out online at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/ck2015torchrelay or in person at any municipal centre.

Nomination forms will be accepted from Thursday, January 15 to January 25th, 2015.

To be eligible nominees must be:

– A resident of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent

– Age 13 years or older by May 30th, 2015

– Able to run/wheel your assigned 200 metre segment on your assigned day

– Available May 30th 2015 – July 10th, 2015 to participate in the Torch Relay

Eligible torch bearer nominees should also demonstrate a commitment to sport and healthy living and/or community engagement.

Finalists will be contacted in February and the final torchbearer selections will be announced to the community in March.

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