Poll results: Do you support the Otter Creek Wind Farm project?

Proposed location for the Otter Creek wind farm project.
Proposed location for the Otter Creek wind farm project.

More wind turbines are being proposed for the area, this time to the north of Wallaceburg.

We asked our readers if they were in favour of the new development, and the answer became clear for a vast number of them.

To fill you in with some background information, Renewable Energy Systems Canada Inc. and Boralex Inc., acting on behalf of Otter Creek Wind Farm Limited Partnership (Otter Creek Wind Farm LP), are proposing to develop a large renewable wind energy project with a maximum capacity of up to 60 megawatts.

The project is to be located all within Chatham-Kent, just north of Wallaceburg.

The project would generally be bounded by Stewart Line and McCreary Line to the south, Whitebread Line and Kent Line west of Mandaumin Road to the north, Mandaumin Road to the east, and Payne Road to the west.

Chatham-Kent council put their support behind the project at their Monday, Aug. 10 meeting as well.

Council authorized the mayor and clerk to execute the Municipal Council Support Resolution, indicating that council supports the construction and operation of the Otter Creek Wind Farm in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

A public meeting is scheduled to discuss the proposal on Tuesday August 25, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the former Baldoon Golf Club, located at 7018 Dufferin Road in Wallaceburg.

Watch for a follow-up story after the meeting.

Here are the poll results as well:

Do you support the Otter Creek Wind Farm project?

No 85.39% (187 votes)

Yes 14.61% (32 votes)

Total Votes: 219


  1. If the demand is less that supply prices drop
    If the demand is greater than supply prices go up
    If they can shut down any tower at any time they control the price up, up, up,
    just saying

  2. I know many of the personnel that worked in the Coal Burning Lambton Generating Station, including many foremen. If they spent only half of the money on the repair of the stacks we would have little or absolutely NO POLLUTION.(not to mention many jobs) This is not to say the dirt in the air coming from surrounding plants. Most of the Canadian plants in the area combined, would not put out the amount displaced by one plant not on Canada. This also includes the water that is run back to the river.
    But this is just my opinion.

  3. Oh yes. I am not against the Wind Turbines as much as I am against that money just to please some Government Officials.

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