Learn to lighten up a bit


From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Dale Carnegie once said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”

I realize that many have to go to a job each day doing something they don’t really enjoy.

However, if Carnegie is right, then an attitude adjustment may be in order if success is to be found.

Start with gratitude.

Many do not even have a job and you do.

Give God thanks that you have an income and can afford groceries, rent, and other essentials of day-to-day living.

It may not be the ideal job, but it pays the bills.

Secondly, decide that you are going to approach your job each day with a different mindset.

Instead of dreading the eight hours in front of you and murmuring about it all day make an effort to be bright and cheerful to coworkers.

Heck, you may even want to surprise the crew you work with some Monday morning with coffee and donuts, or splurge for a pizza at lunch.

Instead of the sourpuss people want to avoid you’ll be the savior of the post-weekend letdown.

Finally, just pray to be a better employee, doing your best at your job and being pleasant to those around you.

It is amazing what a bright light can do for a gloomy atmosphere.

My dad used to sketch little cartoons and put them on his coworkers’ desks periodically before they got to work.

It totally livened up the office mood.

Grumbles turned to laughter, leaving even the biggest curmudgeon with a smile on his face.

Go ahead, spread a little joy around work this week!

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