The Wallaceburg Concert Band invites the public to a FREE Music Concert on Tuesday May 30th at Wallaceburg District Secondary School in the Weber Auditorium.
Under the Direction of Mr. Dave Babbitt this group of nearly 70 local musicians will present their first Public Concert “The Music Awakens”. Doors open at 6:30pm and guests are encouraged to use the Lorne Ave. entrance.
The idea to create a new community concert band is credited to the Wallaceburg and District Council for the Arts. In 2016 they approached Dave Babbitt who had recently retired as the Music Teacher at W.D.S.S. to direct the band. The Lambton-Kent District School Board also got involved and offered musical instruments that were sitting idle for the bands use.
With grant money from the W.D.A.C. and Musicounts Canada the Wallaceburg Concert Band has become a reality for this community.
Be a part of the music history of Wallaceburg as the “Music Awakens” on May 30th @ W.D.S.S.