Keep no record of wrongs

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

My wife and I were attending a beautiful outdoor wedding recently and the advice that the officiating pastor gave the bride and groom was excellent.

He advised the bride to always encourage her husband and build him up.


Then he told the groom to give God thanks for his wife’s shortcomings.

What the pastor meant was that he should be grateful for her and seek to keep no record of wrongs, as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:5.

Double check.

That is just good, sound advice for any young couple starting out on the road to a life together.

When we choose to “keep no record of wrongs” we are saying that we will not hold onto past offenses against our mate for future reference.

Keeping score means that I will always have a leg up in future fights to help me get my way, but this is not a good path to go on.

Jesus did not hold our sin against us when He offered us His forgiveness on the cross.

In fact, one of the last things He said before His painful death by crucifixion is recorded in Luke 23:34: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

Are there people in your life whose offenses against you are still recorded on your score sheet?

What is keeping you from wiping that slate clean and deciding to let things go?

You can never be free if you hold onto these offenses and the sooner you realize this the better things will be.

Perhaps today would be a good day to do some thinking and consider what unfinished business needs your attention.

Don’t delay – the freedom your heart longs for depends on it!

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