Wallaceburg Kinsmen announces ‘Beer For A Year’ winners

The Wallaceburg Kinsmen Club have announced the winners of their annual “Beer For A Year” fundraiser.

The winners are:

– First prize: Wes Babbitt of Chatham, formerly of Wallaceburg.

– Second prize: Janet Barnes of Wallaceburg.

– Third prize: Jacob Hakker of Tupperville.

“The Club would like to congratulate the winners and thank all those who supported the club in this effort,” Gerry Flynn, a Kinsmen member and organizer, told the Sydenham Current.

First prize is either the equivalent of 52 cases of domestic bottled beer in gift cards, less deposit, or $1,700 in cash.

Second prize is either the equivalent of 12 26 ounce bottles of domestic bar rye in gift cards, less deposit, or $300 is cash.

Third prize is a Texas Mickey or $100 in cash.

The draw was held at the Wallaceburg Kinsmen Hall at 7 p.m. on May 13.

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