Steer clear of anger

From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Are you someone who battles with anger issues?

It could be road rage, unresolved conflict, or overreaction to life’s trials.

Sometimes anger issues stem from hanging around angry people.

Consider the wise words of King Solomon from Proverbs 22:24-25: “Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate, lest you learn his ways and get yourself into a snare.”

The Hebrew word for anger in this verse refers to the breathing part of the body, specifically the nostrils.

By the act of breathing emotions can be expressed.

In anger the nose dilates and breathing becomes more intense.

We might say an angry person is “flaring their nostrils.”

The word gives specific emphasis to the emotional aspect of anger and wrath.

A person who is not in control of their anger can be very volatile and dangerous.

Usually, trouble and mishap are not far behind!

Although it is a cop out to just blame others for an anger issue in our own lives, nevertheless there is something to be said about learning the habits of an angry person when we spend too much time with them.

The apostle Paul warned in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that “bad company corrupts good morals.”

The end result is that we, like an unsuspecting mouse eyeing the cheese in the trap, go too far and pay the price.

Choose your friends wisely!

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