Pablo reunited with his family after being missing for four weeks

This equally sweet and handsome kitty has been reunited with his family after he went missing four long weeks ago.

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Pet and Wildlife Rescue officials say Pablo was found outside of a bush over seven kilometers away from his home.

He stumbled upon a kind gentleman and continued to meow and follow him until he picked him up and brought him to the shelter.

Luckily for Pablo, his owner had him neutered and microchipped which made for a very speedy return home.

He gratefully chowed down on a buffet of kibble, canned food and water while his owner made her way to the shelter.

“Although his paws are tattered, he’s lost a few pounds and he reeks of skunk spray; we are absolutely thrilled that this lucky kitty was found alive and well,” PAWR officials say.

“After a couple of baths, a few days of proper nutrition and TLC, we’re sure Pablo will return to his regular routine in no time.”

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