We have several products to sweeten your Tea or Coffee!
We now have Unpasteurized Pure Ontario Honey from Honey-Do Honey it is Ontario No. 1 Golden Honey. We have had requests for Unpasteurized Honey. Stop in and pick some up! We have 500g, 750g & Creamed 500g in Lemon or Cinnamon.
We also have Pasteurized Munro 100% pure Canadian Honey!
We have Honey Pearls which are an all-natural combination of honey and sugar that is dried and crystallized.
If you prefer Brown Rock Sugar, White Rock Sugar or Stevia, we have those in stock too.
Check our our website
CK Spices, Coffee & Teas
217 Creek Street, Wallaceburg, Ontario.
Sunday & Monday CLOSED
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm