An attitude of gratitude

By Rev. Sharon Campbell Rayment – Special to the Sydenham Current

After my accident I would sometimes get caught in a cycle of negativity.

A bit of “stinkin’ thinkin'” as Zig Zigler used to say.

I felt hopeless at times as I struggled to express myself after losing the ability to speak.

Then when I was able to speak I stuttered and could not compose sentences easily.

After years of Ministry and sharing God’s message every Sunday I was unable to even compose a message little on share it with my church.

I was sinking into a deep depression and knew I had to find a way every day to see the beauty, the hope, and the love God reveals every day.

I was given the “5 Minute Gratitude Journal” as a gift and as they say within the journal, “it is the simplest most effective activity you can do today to be happier.”

It is a great way to embody gratitude and to count one’s blessings every day.

Oh there were days when I would wake up and find it hard to write a moment of gratitude and how great my day was going to unfold.

But I would tenaciously write three things every morning that I could be grateful for or look forward to that day.

At night, regardless of how my day went, I would focus on the positive moments in my day.

Some days were harder than others to find that positive outlook.

Yet it has been found that a daily gratitude journal improves sleep, reduces physical pain, enhances well being, and you are better able to handle change.

(Counting Your Blessings Vs Burdens, Edmonds and McCullough 2003)

So buy yourself a journal and begin each morning and night to write even one or two things you are grateful for.

I have found that it gets easier and easier to do and it becomes a habit to see blessings everywhere.

And that my friends is because God has “not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7) and Paul reminds us, “Rejoice always, pray unceasingly, and in all things give thanks!” (Romans 12:2)

Until next time remember every breath you take connects you with God and with All my

Relations United as One. One heartbeat – One Breath – One song.

Many blessings, Rev. Sharon

My friends I will be on vacation for two weeks but you can look forward to more Minster’s Musings mid-August.

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